National Teams
- These are people who have been working together for years. Working your way on to a team requires perseverance, references, and careful vetting. Get involved in the network if you want to be considered for a team. Guardians of History
A Potomac Tea Party team fighting the Woke Mob that has taken over Monticello, Montpelier, Colonial Williamsburg, and other national historic sites. Follow our work here. National RINO Hunt Team A Potomac Tea Party team fighting establishment Republicans who don't stand for anything except reelection and endeavoring to make the Republican Party a party of principle again. Our work is showcased here. American Property Rights Coalition We are the messaging team for an ad hoc group of land rights activists, mostly in the West, who have been meeting for 30 years. Our members have experience in federal court and federal rulemakings. Our work product and press releases reside here. Sharia Engagement Group Independent anti-sharia activists from around the country who have their own projects going and occasionally collaborate. Meets monthly by videoconferencing. State Leaders Network Seasoned grassroots activists around the country meet monthly to compare notes and mentor new activists. Laser List A consortium of 80+ grassroots media outlets (Internet radio shows, state news websites, etc.) engaged in unified messaging and helping writers and platforms find each other. Champions of the Constitution Grassroots Network - fires back whenever the Constitution is trashed. |