Welcome Virginia Tea Party and Other New Members
American Renaissance Network
- www.amrennet.us
We Welcome
- Virginia Tea Party!
- 6 new members who signed up at a gun show in Frederick, MD
Members in the Spotlight
- Erik Seligman won his primary on August 6th for state delegate in Kansas and advances to the general election in November.
- Tamzin Rosenwasser was unsuccessful in her race for Sarasota Hospital board. We thank her for running and fighting the good fight.
Young Voter Effort
- Our X account directed at young voters is off to a good start. We have 148 followers and average about 10 posts a day. We point out Harris/Walz dirty tricks and lies, draw attention to Democrats who are voting for Trump, and report the efforts young Republicans and influencers are making to get Trump elected. It’s a lot of fun. Please follow us and tell your young friends - https://x.com/NextGens4Trump
Potomac Tea Party
- www.potomacteaparty.com
Posted on the homepage - new stories showing the relevance of Potomac Tea Party’s core values (limited government under the Constitution, free markets, and fiscal responsibility)
Guardians of History
- www.potomacteaparty.com/guardians-of-history.html
VICTORY! 8/30/24 - The University of Virginia suspends Woke walking tours
Guardians of History Call on Gov. Youngkin to Suspend U.Va.’s Woke Walking Tours (from Potomac Tea Party)
Thoughts on Dwight Eisenhower’s Book “Crusade in Europe” (Part 1 - from Potomac Tea Party’s ‘Guardians of History’ Team)
What happens when you create a political system that is contrary to human nature?
Thoughts on Dwight Eisenhower’s Book “Crusade in Europe” (Part 2 - from Potomac Tea Party’s ‘Guardians of History’ Team)
National RINO Hunt Team
- www.liberato.us/rino-hunt.html
RINO Round-Ups
- Victory! Establishment GOP Loses to the Grassroots in Florida County
Anticommunism Action Team
- Spider & the Fly.com
Going Gaga for Harris/Walz and the Far Left (anticommunism news round-up)
Speakers Bureau #24-6
August 12, 2024
Karen Schoen Show
Erik Seligman - Stories of Communism: how the media & Hollywood have totally failed to tell the stories of near-Holocaust-level suffering that has been continuing for a century
Sharia Engagement Group
- Sharia TipSheet
Shot and Paralyzed Over Hijab Rules - Islam Strikes Again (new issue of Women Under Sharia by Clare Lopez)
Reposted by Dr. Rich Swier - https://bit.ly/4dOH3tY -
Harris/Walz Aiding and Abetting the Jihadis In Our Midst (‘Jihadis In Our Midst’ in the Sharia TipSheet)
Interfaith Dialogue - ‘A Covert Form of Political Warfare’ (Pt 3 - Interfaith Attacks on Identity and Theology) (new video from the Sharia Engagement Group)
American Property Rights Coalition
- www.liberato.us/property-rights.html
Utah Files Landmark Lawsuit Challenging Federal Control Over Most BLM Land (Land Use and Climate Change News Round-Up from the American Property Rights Coalition)
National Election Integrity Call
- www.liberato.us/election-integrity.html
Election Integrity Round-Ups
- Dems’ Noncitizen Voting Gambit Getting Substantial Pushback
Dedicated to Keeping America a Free Country
Transgenderism on Trial
Whoever Thought Child Gender Transitioning Was a Good Idea? (child transgender news round-up)
Tea Party Youth
- www.teapartyyouth.us/
News Round-Ups
- Fly the Flag and Believe in Yourselves
Constitution Next (our Constitution website for young adults)
- www.constitutionnext.com/
First Amendment, Second Amendment, Geofence Warrants, and more in the August ConstitutionNEXT Round-Up
From Tom Trento and The United West -
Trump lost in 2020 because 5 million Christians registered as Republicans did not vote. In the video below, the “Swing-State” Chart http://TheUnitedWest.org produced is absolutely SHOCKING! You can also download this chart on their website. Every swing state GOTV org should have this chart.
- more and watch the video here
From the Leadership Institute -
Crimes of Communism - Educate students about the consequences of living in a communist country. This interactive activism project invites students to learn their fate under communism. Students will roll dice to randomly receive a card listing one of the many cruelties they may be subjected to while living in an authoritarian country. Don't worry! There's a slight chance they may escape to a free country.
Heritage Fires Back - The Truth About Project 2025
Heritage Action KEY VOTE: Cosponsorship of the Defining Male and Female Act (H.R. 9218)
Something to Stand For (Angel Studios)
... cinematic tour de force will take viewers to the frontlines of the American Revolution, World War II, the Civil Rights movement, and more. Part mystery, part history—each harrowing tale tells a story you’ve never heard, about the patriots who built our country.
- Minnesota viewer: “Can’t say enough great things about this movie.... It was so good.”
Social Media
Young Voters on X: @NextGens4Trump (follow us and tell your young friends)
Connect more with your team on MeWe
- Potomac Tea Party
- Tea Party Youth
Welcome Virginia Tea Party and Other New Members
American Renaissance Network
- www.amrennet.us
We Welcome
- Virginia Tea Party!
- 6 new members who signed up at a gun show in Frederick, MD
Members in the Spotlight
- Erik Seligman won his primary on August 6th for state delegate in Kansas and advances to the general election in November.
- Tamzin Rosenwasser was unsuccessful in her race for Sarasota Hospital board. We thank her for running and fighting the good fight.
Young Voter Effort
- Our X account directed at young voters is off to a good start. We have 148 followers and average about 10 posts a day. We point out Harris/Walz dirty tricks and lies, draw attention to Democrats who are voting for Trump, and report the efforts young Republicans and influencers are making to get Trump elected. It’s a lot of fun. Please follow us and tell your young friends - https://x.com/NextGens4Trump
Potomac Tea Party
- www.potomacteaparty.com
Posted on the homepage - new stories showing the relevance of Potomac Tea Party’s core values (limited government under the Constitution, free markets, and fiscal responsibility)
Guardians of History
- www.potomacteaparty.com/guardians-of-history.html
VICTORY! 8/30/24 - The University of Virginia suspends Woke walking tours
Guardians of History Call on Gov. Youngkin to Suspend U.Va.’s Woke Walking Tours (from Potomac Tea Party)
Thoughts on Dwight Eisenhower’s Book “Crusade in Europe” (Part 1 - from Potomac Tea Party’s ‘Guardians of History’ Team)
What happens when you create a political system that is contrary to human nature?
Thoughts on Dwight Eisenhower’s Book “Crusade in Europe” (Part 2 - from Potomac Tea Party’s ‘Guardians of History’ Team)
National RINO Hunt Team
- www.liberato.us/rino-hunt.html
RINO Round-Ups
- Victory! Establishment GOP Loses to the Grassroots in Florida County
Anticommunism Action Team
- Spider & the Fly.com
Going Gaga for Harris/Walz and the Far Left (anticommunism news round-up)
Speakers Bureau #24-6
August 12, 2024
Karen Schoen Show
Erik Seligman - Stories of Communism: how the media & Hollywood have totally failed to tell the stories of near-Holocaust-level suffering that has been continuing for a century
Sharia Engagement Group
- Sharia TipSheet
Shot and Paralyzed Over Hijab Rules - Islam Strikes Again (new issue of Women Under Sharia by Clare Lopez)
Reposted by Dr. Rich Swier - https://bit.ly/4dOH3tY -
Harris/Walz Aiding and Abetting the Jihadis In Our Midst (‘Jihadis In Our Midst’ in the Sharia TipSheet)
Interfaith Dialogue - ‘A Covert Form of Political Warfare’ (Pt 3 - Interfaith Attacks on Identity and Theology) (new video from the Sharia Engagement Group)
American Property Rights Coalition
- www.liberato.us/property-rights.html
Utah Files Landmark Lawsuit Challenging Federal Control Over Most BLM Land (Land Use and Climate Change News Round-Up from the American Property Rights Coalition)
National Election Integrity Call
- www.liberato.us/election-integrity.html
Election Integrity Round-Ups
- Dems’ Noncitizen Voting Gambit Getting Substantial Pushback
Dedicated to Keeping America a Free Country
Transgenderism on Trial
Whoever Thought Child Gender Transitioning Was a Good Idea? (child transgender news round-up)
Tea Party Youth
- www.teapartyyouth.us/
News Round-Ups
- Fly the Flag and Believe in Yourselves
Constitution Next (our Constitution website for young adults)
- www.constitutionnext.com/
First Amendment, Second Amendment, Geofence Warrants, and more in the August ConstitutionNEXT Round-Up
From Tom Trento and The United West -
Trump lost in 2020 because 5 million Christians registered as Republicans did not vote. In the video below, the “Swing-State” Chart http://TheUnitedWest.org produced is absolutely SHOCKING! You can also download this chart on their website. Every swing state GOTV org should have this chart.
- more and watch the video here
From the Leadership Institute -
Crimes of Communism - Educate students about the consequences of living in a communist country. This interactive activism project invites students to learn their fate under communism. Students will roll dice to randomly receive a card listing one of the many cruelties they may be subjected to while living in an authoritarian country. Don't worry! There's a slight chance they may escape to a free country.
Heritage Fires Back - The Truth About Project 2025
Heritage Action KEY VOTE: Cosponsorship of the Defining Male and Female Act (H.R. 9218)
Something to Stand For (Angel Studios)
... cinematic tour de force will take viewers to the frontlines of the American Revolution, World War II, the Civil Rights movement, and more. Part mystery, part history—each harrowing tale tells a story you’ve never heard, about the patriots who built our country.
- Minnesota viewer: “Can’t say enough great things about this movie.... It was so good.”
Social Media
Young Voters on X: @NextGens4Trump (follow us and tell your young friends)
Connect more with your team on MeWe
- Potomac Tea Party
- Tea Party Youth